DIY Disasters: When Repairs Go Horribly Wrong


Nobody finds ordinary staircases appealing. This picture probably shows an over-the-top effort at designing a distinctive and striking staircase, stretching the bounds of utility and maybe safety. The picture most likely shows a staircase more suited for art exhibition than for practical methods of floor to floor mobility. Maybe it's a floating staircase with hardly visible steps or a spiral staircase that corkscrews so tightly it's almost impossible to negotiate. The photographer has caught the conflict between creative design and common use, therefore underlining our occasionally illogical need for originality in house decoration. This image could be the outcome of a homeowner or designer trying to make a big statement in a tiny area or of visual impact being valued more highly than practicality. It can also be a funny observation on the extent people will go to be unique in the field of interior design. The picture reminds us that, even if home design innovation can be fascinating, it shouldn't compromise fundamental functioning. It asks visitors to consider how best to strike the mix between aesthetics and utility in their own homes and maybe value the straightforward efficiency of a well-designed, traditional staircase.

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