DIY Disasters: When Repairs Go Horribly Wrong


Like actual agony for perfectionists. With a strong sense for symmetry and order, this picture most certainly depicts a scenario that would make anyone shudder down their spine. The picture most likely shows a modest but clearly off-kilter home remodelling effort or design decision. Maybe it's a tiled floor where one tile is slightly off-aligned, a wallpaper design that doesn't quite line up at the seams, or a row of cabinet handles set at quite varying heights. The photographer has brilliantly caught this almost-but-not-quite-right situation, stressing the narrow line separating ideal from irritation in house repairs. This image might be the outcome of a hurried job by a less-than-perfect contractor, a DIY project gone wrong, or just the inevitable flaws in any human effort. Most people would overlook these little differences, but for perfectionists they would be a continual, agonising presence. The picture reminds us humorously of the sometimes fruitless search for perfect living environment. It asks viewers to consider their own degree of acceptance for flaws and maybe find some solace in the natural "humanness" of small errors. After all, these little imperfections sometimes become the delightful eccentricities that really make a place seem like a home.

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