How to Know If Your Hamster Likes You

Detecting if your hamster is attracted to youYour hamster is showing signs of liking you if they come up to you and want to play. But when they dislike you, hamsters will likewise hide and flee. Try to touch them softly and see how they behave when you call them to find out. They are preparing for a battle if they recoil, grimace, or raise their hands; on the other hand, if they approach your hand, it suggests that they like you.

1. They approach you.

When their owners are there, hamsters who get along with them are less likely to hide or flee. They will approach you and perhaps even try to play or snatch treats from your hand. Hamsters may display their affection for their owners by showing off to them. They might even run a little bit faster than normal on their exercise wheel or play with toys that they don't typically play with. You can also reach into the cage and call for the hamster to see if it is a good fit. It indicates that it likes you if it doesn't wince or flinch. Another way to check this is to watch your hamster outside its cage and call for it. They are attracted to you if they approach you. To determine how consistent the outcomes are, try it several times and compare their responses.

2. They take treats from your hand

Due to their poor vision, hamsters identify people mostly through touch, scent, and sound. If your hamster accepts treats from your hand or allows you to hold them while they eat, that's a positive indicator. This indicates that they want to play with you and that they appreciate your company. It's much better if they accept a treat from your hand without resisting. It demonstrates their regard for you as a kind and trustworthy person, which is the first step towards them loving you back. It is crucial to keep trying, even though it might not happen immediately. Your hamster will soon start exhibiting indications of affection if you are patient with them. When you go close to them, they can be less afraid to approach their cage and play with the toys more. Additionally, they may exhibit greater affection for you than for everyone else. This is a result of their propensity to limit the number of people with whom they feel safe confessing their love.

3. They come back to you

When hamsters are afraid or don't feel safe with someone, they frequently attempt to hide or flee. However, if they begin to show signs of returning to you and acting more subdued in your presence, this usually indicates that they are beginning to grow to like you. They might even play or run faster on their exercise wheel, as they won't be as stressed. By placing your hand inside their cage and calling them over to you, you may verify this. It's a positive indication that they are beginning to trust you and feel at ease with you if they approach your hand without running away or hiding. Treats from your hand may also be accepted by them, which is a strong sign that they are beginning to genuinely love your presence. They often won't do this around strangers or those they don't trust. This is a wonderful method to show your animal friend that you are there to play and offer assistance.

4. They don’t run away

It takes time to develop a relationship with your hamster, and you may not always be able to tell when it is partial to you. Many of the actions hamsters exhibit may indicate different things depending on the circumstances, but one thing you can watch out for is if they avoid running away from you. It's a positive indication that your hamster is beginning to trust and feel at ease with you if they don't flee from you. This will facilitate your ability to hold and snuggle with them, which is a wonderful way to express your love for them. Make sure you approach the cage cautiously and gently when attempting to get your hamster. They may believe you are attempting to harm them if you charge into their cage. Make sure your hand is curled up rather than outstretched when you reach for your hamster. They won't be as inclined to nibble on your hand, which could be an indication of anxiety.

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