Do potatoes help with joint pain?
It's common knowledge that foods like potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and other nightshade relatives can induce arthritis. However, these vegetables can provide your diet with tons of energy, vitamins, and minerals if consumed in moderation. Baked potatoes are the best, as are those topped with low-fat Greek yogurt, oil, and herbs. As a result, you'll receive a higher dosage of lycopene, a nutrient that reduces inflammation.
It has anti-inflammatory properties
Potatoes' anti-inflammatory qualities aid in lowering joint discomfort and swelling. Additionally, they offer a healthy dose of potassium, which aids in the body's regulation of nerve signals and reduction of inflammation. By lowering the blood level of uric acid, vitamin C from potatoes can also aid with joint pain.
Capsaicin, a natural painkiller found in chili peppers, blocks substance P, a pain transmitter, which may reduce arthritic pain. This substance has very potent pain-relieving benefits for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Gout sufferers can benefit from it as well because it can reduce the body's high uric acid levels.
Antioxidants, which are abundant in purple potatoes, have potent anti-inflammatory properties. According to a 2021 study, compared to those who ate white or yellow potatoes, those who ate purple potatoes showed reduced levels of the inflammatory marker IL-6 and less DNA damage. Furthermore, they contain a high concentration of chlorogenic acids (CGA), which can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
It helps to relieve gout
There is a common misconception that people with gout should stay away from potatoes and other nightshade vegetables (including tomatoes, eggplants, and bell peppers) because they contain solanine, which is believed to aggravate gut inflammation and increase uric acid levels in the blood. But unlike the edible portions of these vegetables that humans consume, solanine is primarily present in the leaves and stems of these plants. It is therefore permissible to include these "deadly nightshades" in moderation as part of a well-balanced diet for gout.
Since ancient times, people have used potato juice as an anti-inflammatory to reduce joint discomfort, swelling, and redness. It's also thought to reduce arthritis pain by flushing the body with extra uric acid.
Additionally, consuming potato juice enhances blood circulation and digestion. Since it strengthens the immune system, it also aids in maintaining the body's health and fitness. This is critical for illness prevention and for lowering the possibility of consequences from long-term medical disorders like gout.
It helps to reduce pain and swelling
Despite their reputation for being starchy and fatty, potatoes can actually be quite healthy if consumed in moderation. They are a good source of iron, potassium, vitamin B complex, and vitamin C, among other nutrients. Alpha-lipoic acid, a substance that aids in the body's conversion of glucose into energy, is also present in them. Additionally, potatoes are a good source of vitamin D, which guards against cardiovascular disease.
Including potatoes in your diet can aid in the reduction of edema and pain. You can heal sprains and irritation on your skin by using the juice of raw potatoes. Gout is an inflammatory disease that produces excruciating pain, soreness, and swelling in the joints. This treatment is also beneficial for gout.
Because solanine, an alkaloid that causes inflammation, is present in nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers, and eggplants), some people think that eating them is detrimental for arthritis. On the other hand, solanine is present in the stems and leaves of these plants rather than the edible portions.
It helps to detoxify the body
A Manchester woman recently told me that wearing socks to keep the sliced potatoes in place at the bottom of her feet helped her recover from a cold and flu. Many doctors advise eating a nutritious diet and drinking lots of water to help the body naturally eliminate toxins, even if this anecdotal cure is unproven.
Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that aids in the prevention of infections and hastens the healing of wounds, is abundant in potatoes. They also contain a lot of potassium, which supports cell health and controls nerve signals. They are also a great source of dietary fiber, which is a nutrient that supports healthy digestion.
A lot of individuals think that drinking potato juice will help them avoid joint pain and gout. Because raw potato juice is so alkaline, it helps the body maintain a balanced pH and shields it against acidity that can cause sickness. For best effects, it is recommended to consume half a cup of potato juice daily.