Underground Monsters: The Insane Depths of Earth's Deepest Mines Revealed
7. AngloGold Ashanti's Mponeng (South Africa) (continued)

Comprising the geologically rich Witwatersrand Basin, the Mponeng mine is part of AngloGold Ashanti's West Wits activities. One of the most significant gold-mining sites in history, this area has produced about half of all the gold ever taken from Earth. Beginning in 1981, the mine has constantly grown and intensified its activities to reach fresh gold-bearing reefs over the decades.
Mponeng's sophisticated infrastructure meant to withstand the severe circumstances at such depths is among its most amazing features. For movement of workers, supplies, and ore, the mine has a three-shaft system. Rising 2,283 metres in one continuous segment, the main shaft is among the deepest single-drop shafts found anywhere. Essential for maintaining production at such depths, this engineering achievement enables effective movement of people and tools.
Mining at Mponeng presents several difficult and multifarious problems. Virgin rock temperatures at the lowest levels can be up to 66°C (150°F), which calls for a large and advanced cooling system. The mine moves an ice slurry down pipes to the depths, where it is run through radiators to chill the air. After that, this cool air is distributed across the mine, therefore improving the working conditions. The heat would make human work at these depths impossible without this cooling device.
Likewise remarkable are Mponeng's ore processing facilities. To extract gold, the mine combines traditional mill and carbon-in--pulp technology to treat the ore With the potential to handle up to 160,000 tonnes of ore every month, the processing plant highlights the size of activities at this ultra-deep mine. Improving energy efficiency and lowering the environmental effect of these procedures has become increasingly important in recent years.
At Mponeng, safety is first priority considering the inherent hazards of deep mining. The mine uses cutting-edge seismic monitoring technology to forecast and reduce seismic event risk including rock explosions. The mine has also put in place several safety measures and technology, including refuge rooms furnished with oxygen supplies, communication systems, and facilities meant to guarantee miners' safety during an emergency.
Mponeng's financial influence goes much beyond its daily activities. Through its supply chain, the mine supports many more indirectly while directly creating employment for thousands of people in the area. Mponeng, like many deep gold mines in South Africa, however, struggles constantly with labour relations, running expenses, and the necessity of constant technological improvements to be competitive in the world gold market.
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