What Can't Hamsters Eat?
Vegetables and pellets should make up a well-balanced diet for hamsters. As omnivores, hamsters in the wild obtain their protein from plants, seeds, nuts, and insects. But a lot of the foods we eat can be problematic for our small animal companions. The following items are not recommended for your hamster to eat:
Bitter Almonds
Unwashed Vegetables
Spinach is a great source of iron, calcium, and vitamin K; hamsters may eat modest amounts of it. On the other hand, a hamster may become seriously ill if it eats too much spinach.
Hamsters shouldn't be fed seeds either, as they are the ideal size for choking. Fruits with seeds removed, such as melon, bananas, berries, grapes, and seedless apples, are the finest to feed hamsters. In extremely limited amounts, they can also consume certain vegetables like celery, parsley, and turnips. Before giving any produce to a hamster, always wash it. This also applies to spices and herbs.
Many of the minerals found in garlic are beneficial to humans, but hamsters may be poisoned by the same substances. They contain ingredients that are bad for the digestive system of hamsters and can lead to serious health issues, such as breathing difficulties and lethargy.
It's not true—despite popular belief—that garlic bread is beneficial for hamsters. It's high in carbohydrates, which hamsters shouldn't consume in excess because they require a diet that is balanced and includes both veggies and protein. Alternatively, consider rewarding them with a handful of nuts or seeds. Your hamster will like these healthier substitutes!
Tomatoes, garlic, onions, and other foods strong in acid should be avoided by hamsters. This is a result of their little bodies' inability to swiftly absorb and eliminate the dangerous compounds.
In addition, eating onions would cause them to have respiratory problems in addition to other health complications. Consuming a lot of onions could potentially be lethal for them.
Moreover, hamsters would be in grave danger from the sulphide and thiosulfate chemicals found in onions. They may develop anaemia from them as well. It is therefore recommended to avoid giving children any kind of onion, including rings. Instead, provide them with some meat and fresh veggies as part of their diet.
Bell peppers can be eaten by hamsters, but only in small amounts. They may be an excellent source of fibre, antioxidants, and vitamin C.
They are also a fantastic source of compounds like lycopene, which prevents disease, and have relatively few calories. Bell peppers might clog your hamster's digestive tract; therefore, you shouldn't feed them to them all the time.
However, make sure to thoroughly wash the peppers before giving them to your hamster. Furthermore, the seeds may choke someone. Additionally, you should feed them once a week or less, and only a small amount at a time.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits might cause dental harm to your hamster if they consume them. Additionally, it may induce diarrhoea and upset their stomachs.
Citrus fruit seeds are also not to be consumed as they pose a choking hazard. They might be potentially lethal if your pet eats them.
Whole celery should also not be given to your hamster due to its stringy texture and potential for choking. If you chop the celery stalks into tiny pieces, you can give them to them. Garlic, onions, and other raw veggies; beans (particularly kidney and broad beans); cured meats; and avocados are also off-limits since they contain too much fat for your hamster.